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Career as Marine Biologist

Stream : Life Science & Environment
Sub Stream : Marine Biology

Marine Biologist
Marine biology is the study of behaviour and interactions of marine organisms  and its impact on with human life and environment as a whole.  Marine biologist are also known as ocean biologist, Marine scientist or Marine life biologist. The main od studying maine biology is to improve the understanding of the marine world which includes marine plants, animals, deep oceans, shallow seas, small planktons to very large whales etc. 

Job Responsibilities:

  • Marine biologist studies the nature, diversities and annals of the animals and plants in marine and the environmental factors that affect them
  • Conducting research to study the various forms of life that exist within the sea
  • Identifying and classifying the forms of organisms in oceans.
  • Conducting experiments to study the elements that effect the environment
  • Examining and interpreting the discoveries and preparing reports
  • Keeping up to date with the latest technologies and studies in the field and related professions
  • Preparing reports on the findings and presenting them to other scientists.


While looking for a job, we search about the responsibilities, scope, qualification etc required for a particular. But we often forget the most important factors  i.e career interest, Aptitude and personality, needed to be considered, while applying for a job. 

Some of the basic aptitude, personality and interest required to succeed in this career are-






  • An interest in gathering information or expanding one’s knowledge,  along with a natural curiosity and a desire to solve problems.

Numerical deduction-

  • strong numeracy and IT skills
  • The ability to draw conclusions from findings



  • Perseverance is a must for marine biologists. For instance, a marine biologist might spend decades conducting research into the life cycle of a particularly rare marine species, perhaps actually seeing it only a few times, if at all, over the course of three or four decades





  • accuracy and attention to detail for recording observations and results




  • Kerala Agricultural University
  • The National Institute of Oceanography, Goa
  • College of Fisheries, Kochi
  • Andhra University
  • Chettinad Academy of Research & Education
  • Kerala University of Fisheries & Ocean Studies
  • The Madras Christian College


1) As a Marine biologist you can work for-
- government and conservation agencies
- environmental laboratories
- marine laboratories
- the water industry
- coastal authorities
- seaweed growing companies
- fisheries
- tourism industry
2) A marine biologist may work as Laboratory technician in universities, oceanographic laboratory, where they may be examining tiny creatures under a microscope, sequencing DNA, or observing animals in a tank.
3) Some marine biologists go on to do consultancy work in a freelance capacity like :-
- Academic Institutes which they can teach a subject or  carry out research work in its interested field.
- A marine biologist interested in research area, can also submits its research proposals for funding variours projects. 
- On the entrepreneural side, one can make permanent slides of plankton, herbarium sheets of marine algae  which are very much needed in all universities,especially those that don't have access to coast lines.
 - They can also set up banks for supply of marine organisms for various types of hatcheries for aquaculture.


Marine biologists find careers as :-

  • Marine mammal specialists, 
  • naturalists, 
  • marine museum
  • aquarium administrators, 
  • educators, 
  • conservationists, 
  • fisheries experts,
  • aquaculturist
  • biotechnology specialist
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